Business Forms
Before & After Detailed Directions
- WORD & TEXT Formats
- Unlocked Forms - easy to copy & paste to website
- Edit as Needed
Release Form
- Word Doc - Unlocked form for updating, Logo Inserting extras etc.
- All legal info for (GA). *Check with your state regulations and update as specified.*
- Make sure any Insurance requirements in your state is updated to protect your Buisness and self.
Skin Type Form
- Word Doc - Unlocked form for updating, Logo Insert, extras, etc.
- Questions of Clients to indicate their Skin Type for Solutions and various products.
- Diagram for calculating the skin type based on answers from the questions asked.
Square Information
- Information to set up Reserve Fee prior to Service, to insure spray tan.
- Word Doc for uploading info to Square or other payment carts.
- Very Important for your time and scheduling
- Gives a conformation to both parties involved with receipts to emails.
- On the receipt it shows the stipulations around the reserve fee etc.
Keep in Mind it takes time to set a business to a business vs a hobby. These start to set you apart form
the other spray tan artists or salons. Most do NOT take the time to SERVE their Clients in a way that protects them and the client. The above is how my personal Salon operates and as it may take time to have Clients get use to it, it will
ensure your time is not wasted on NO-Shows or Last Minute Cancels. Change these FORMS
to how you need them to respectfully reflect your business, think of them as your base and you are able to insert
all that you need for protection.